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Friday, May 28, 2010

Vacations and Sweet Pea's!

After getting about 5 hours of restless sleep I am wide awake but totally exhausted, so it makes perfect sense to write a blog post right now. What else is new? I recently found out that my family and house keeper's is going to the beach next weekend for 2 day vacation or so, which is really exciting because I haven't gone on a vacation in AGES.

It looks like this, or it really looks like it.-------> It's a place called Dolores it's not fancy pants but we went here before and the water is soo cold, it was awesome. There's no dress code but when you get out of the water, your clothes is so heavy so i prefer wearing sandos and kinda short shorts.

I recently bought a perfume from Bath & Body Works, it's called "Sweet Pea’s". I'm not really good at describing but it smells like cotton candies and a floral pinch at the end. c'mon it smells totally different when you smell it! LOL :)) it has a dollar marked price $5.00 and a peso marked price P299.75. I bought the small one but costed me a bit much than the regular ones. I like perfumes, you know? anyway you can buy them here!
Happy Vacation and Shopping! <3